Nació el 2 de diciembre de 1981 en Kentwood (Louisiana, Estados Unidos), un pueblecito de 2.656 habitantes. De niña, lo clásico: canciones en el coro de la iglesia los domingos por la mañana e imitaciones de Madonna ante el espejo el resto de la semana. Impulsada por sus padres, Britney comenzó a practicar gimnasia, destacó en los ejercicios de suelo y ganó un buen número de trofeos estatales. Añadió imitaciones de Michael Jackson a su repertorio infantil y a los nueve años comenzó a estudiar baile y canto. La niña prometía y junto a su madre y su hermana viajaron a Nueva York, donde estudió en las prestigiosas Off Broadway Dance Center y en Professional Performing Arts School, hizo anuncios y actuó en el Off-Broadway en la comedia Ruthless, basada en el thriller de 1956 The Bad Seed (La semilla maldita). Britney Spears era la niña mala. Tenía 10 años.
Un año después, fue seleccionada como "mosquetera" para presentar The New Mickey Mouse Club en Florida junto a otros "mosqueteros", y también aspirantes a estrellas, como Justin Timberlake y Christina Aguilera. Dos años pasó Britney Spears cantando y bailando en televisión, hasta que el programa se cayó de la parrilla. Vuelta a Kentwood, a casa. Duró poco allí.
A los 15 años regresó a Nueva York y una audición ante los avispados ejecutivos de Jive Records permitió a Britney Spears cumplir su sueño: cantar en solitario. Guiando sus primeros pasos en ...Baby One More Time, su primer álbum, estuvieron los autores y productores Eric Foster (Backstreet Boys, Whitney Houston, Boyzone) y Max Martin (Backstreet Boys, Ace of Base, NSYNC). A finales de 1998 se publicó como primer single la canción ...Baby One More Time apoyada por un vídeo en el que Spears bailaba vestida de colegiala. La canción alcanzó el nº1 en las listas americanas y cuando a principios de 1999 se publicó el álbum con el mismo título, también entró al nº1 donde permaneció durante seis semanas. A finales de año, el disco ...Baby One More Time había vendido diez millones de ejemplares. Una portada en la revista Rolling Stone la confirmó como la joven promesa del pop.
En la primavera del 2000, el disco ...Baby One More Time comenzaba a descender en las listas pero Britney Spears ya tenía preparado su segundo álbum: Oops!... I Did It Again. Se publicó el 16 de mayo, vendió un millón de ejemplares en el primer fin de semana y batió un récord: era la primera vez que una cantante solista vendía tantos discos en tan poco tiempo. Un año después, Oops!... I Did It Again había vendido nueve millones de ejemplares. Mientras tanto, Britney Spears se entretenía con Justin Timberlake.
En noviembre de 2001 publicó su tercer disco: Britney. Entre sus 12 canciones, producidas por un rosario de los mejores especialistas, tres pertenecían al filme Crossroads, su debut como actriz, que se estrenó a principios de 2002. Parece que le gustó, porque repitió la experiencia en un cameo realizado para Austin Powers: el miembro de oro, de Mick Myers, participando también en la remezcla de su canción Boys incluida en la banda sonora de la película. Por entonces ya había actuado ante 250.000 personas en el festival Rock In Rio, en la final de la Superbowl, como presentadora de los premios Billboard Music y American Music...
Su cuarto disco, publicado en noviembre de 2003, fue In the zone y su primer single, Me Against the Music, reunió a las dos grandes del pop: Britney Spears y Madonna. "Ha sido una experiencia más allá de las palabras y las descripciones", dijo Britney, que estampó su firma en siete de las doce canciones del álbum. De nuevo productores y colaboradores de lujo a su lado (Red Zone, Moby, The Matrix, R. Kelly, Cathy Dennis...) y una música más arriesgada como ventana abierta al futuro.
La potencia mediática de Britney Spears escapa del mundo de la música y convierte a la artista en noticia por las más diversas causas. Unas veces porque mantiene una Fundación que promueve la ayuda a los niños a través de la música; otras acapara portadas con su boda el 18 de septiembre de 2004 con el bailarín Kevin Federline, ocho meses después de haberse casado y divorciado en un plazo de 55 horas de Jason Alexander, un amigo de la infancia. Britney Spears siempre ha tenido el foco encima.
En 2004 se publica el CD My Prerogative: Greatest Hits y el DVD Britney Spears. Greatest Hits: My Prerogative, parece que quisiera hacer un alto en el camino y degustar lo conseguido, que no es poco. En sólo cinco años, Britney Spears se ha afirmado como uno de los fenómenos del pop internacional, ha manejado su carrera con precisión matemática y ha dado a su música los giros precisos para no quedarse estancada en un mundo exclusivamente adolescente. Su recopilación de grandes éxitos en CD y DVD es la explicación de una carrera orientada hacia el triunfo y resume la historia de Britney Spears a través de canciones que han dado la vuelta al mundo. "Quiero que la música siempre sea parte de mi vida", ha declarado la cantante.
Britney Spears´s Biography(English)
Britney Spears (born 2.12.1982)
Britney Spears’ debut album Baby One More Time found her international stardom in 1999 and contained the Billboard topping single ‘Baby One More Time. She has sold over 83 million records worldwide, currently making her the eighth best-selling female artist in American music history, having sold 31 million albums in the U.S.
Her turbulent personal life has been well documented. Most recently, On the evening of 3rd January 2008, police were called to Spears's home after she refused to relinquish custody of her children. As a result of an order placed by her psychiatrist, Spears was taken to UCLA Medical Centre on January 31 where she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
Britney’s Childhood
Spears was born in McComb, Mississippi and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana.
She auditioned for the Disney Channel series ‘The New Mickey Mouse Club’ when she was just eight years old. At the time, she was considered too young to join the series, but a producer on the show suggested that she meet up with an agent in New York.
When she turned 11, Spears returned to the Disney Channel for a role in the ‘The New Mickey Mouse Club’. She remained on the show from until the age of 13, from 1993 to 1994. Her young co-workers on the show included Christina Aguilera (pop singer), Justin Timbelake (who would go on to be her boyfriend for some time), Joshua Chasez (also in N’Sync with Timberlake), Keri Russell (actress) and Ryan Gosling (actor). She returned to schoool in Kentwood for one year after the show had ended.
After school, in 1997, she joined the all-girl group Innosense for a short period of time but later that year she recorded a solo demo tape and was signed by Jive Records on the strength of the demo. She eventually became the opening act for boy bands Backstreet Boys and N’Sync.
Britney’s Musical Career
Her first single ‘Baby One More Time was released in 1998 and became an instant international success. It sold nine million copies worldwide. The song’s accompanying music video featured Britney dressed provocatively in a midriff-baring schoolgirl uniform.
The album, also called Baby One More Time was released in January 1999, reaching number one on the Billboard 200. The album subsequently acheived worldwide sales of over 25 million copies. In December 1999, she won four BillboardMusic Awards and in early 2000, she took home the Favorite Pop/Rock New Artist award at the American Music Awards. She went on to receive two nominations at the Grammys, that same year, though she lost out to Christina Aguilera and Sarah McLachlan.
Her second album, Oops I Did It Again debuted at number one in the U.S. by selling 1,319,193 units during its first week of sales. Concerning both musical content and sales, the album was very similar to Spears's debut, although critics were more favourable to this second album.
In 2000, Britney gained two more Billboard Music awards and another two Grammy nominations. She also garnered controversy at the MTV Music awards when she ripped off a black suit to reveal a provocative nude-colored and crystal-adorned outfit.
Spears third studio album, Britney was released in November 2001. Although not as successful as her previous albums, she gained some creative control by co-writing five of the album's tracks. It still managed to surpass Michael Jackson’s album Invincible when it had a successful debut at number one in the U.S. by selling 745,744 units during its first week. The singles did not fare so well. The lead single ‘Im A Slave 4 U’ peaked at 27 on the Billlboard Hot 100, making it the album's biggest hit. At the end of the album’s promotional tour for the album, Spears announced she would take a six-month break from her career.
During her third consecutive MTV Video Music Awards performance, she controversially utilized caged animals and danced erotically with a large albino python draped over her shoulders. At a performance at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards, she performed the song ‘Like A Virgin’ with Christina Aguilera and was later joined by Madonna, with whom Spears locked lips, in a highly publicised kiss.
Spears’ fourth studio album, In The Zone, was released in November 2003. The album used lesser-known producers such as RedZone, as well as big names such as Moby and R.Kelly. The album reached number one in the U.S. charts during its debut week, with over 609,000 copies sold. Spears became the only female in music history to have her first four studio albums debut at number one.
The album spawned the hit single ‘Toxic’, winning Spears her first ever Grammy, despite previous nominations.
After her marriage to one of her dancers, Kevin Federline, Spears announced on her website she was taking another career break in order to start a family. However, November 2004 saw the release of her first greatest hits collection, Greatest Hits: My Prerogative, which debuted at #4 on the U.S. charts. Then, In November 2005, she released her first remix album, B In the Mix: The Remixes. With Spears still on maternity leave, the album did not reach the success of her previous albums.
In May 2007, Spears made her musical comeback, but overall, this proved to be a disappointment to many. A mini-tour for the House Of Blues failed to see her singing live for the 15 minutes that she performed. Her most recent was recorded with producers such as Sean Garrett and Nate “Danja” Hills in 2006 and 2007.
The result of these recordings was Blackout, her fifth album. Scheduled for release in November 2007, it was pushed up to October 30th due to internet leaks. It debuted at number two on the U.S. Billboard charts, selling 290,000 copies.
Britney’s ill-fated performance at the 2007 MTV Music Awards received much media attention, being described as a disappointing attempt at a comeback. The BBC, for instance, stated that "her performance would go down in the history books as being one of the worst to grace the MTV Awards." Whilst critics at The Times noted that "Spears was out of synch as she lip-synched and at times just stopped singing altogether." Despite the backlash, however, the single has achieved success worldwide.
Britney Spears’ debut album Baby One More Time found her international stardom in 1999 and contained the Billboard topping single ‘Baby One More Time. She has sold over 83 million records worldwide, currently making her the eighth best-selling female artist in American music history, having sold 31 million albums in the U.S.
Her turbulent personal life has been well documented. Most recently, On the evening of 3rd January 2008, police were called to Spears's home after she refused to relinquish custody of her children. As a result of an order placed by her psychiatrist, Spears was taken to UCLA Medical Centre on January 31 where she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
Britney’s Childhood
Spears was born in McComb, Mississippi and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana.
She auditioned for the Disney Channel series ‘The New Mickey Mouse Club’ when she was just eight years old. At the time, she was considered too young to join the series, but a producer on the show suggested that she meet up with an agent in New York.
When she turned 11, Spears returned to the Disney Channel for a role in the ‘The New Mickey Mouse Club’. She remained on the show from until the age of 13, from 1993 to 1994. Her young co-workers on the show included Christina Aguilera (pop singer), Justin Timbelake (who would go on to be her boyfriend for some time), Joshua Chasez (also in N’Sync with Timberlake), Keri Russell (actress) and Ryan Gosling (actor). She returned to schoool in Kentwood for one year after the show had ended.
After school, in 1997, she joined the all-girl group Innosense for a short period of time but later that year she recorded a solo demo tape and was signed by Jive Records on the strength of the demo. She eventually became the opening act for boy bands Backstreet Boys and N’Sync.
Britney’s Musical Career
Her first single ‘Baby One More Time was released in 1998 and became an instant international success. It sold nine million copies worldwide. The song’s accompanying music video featured Britney dressed provocatively in a midriff-baring schoolgirl uniform.
The album, also called Baby One More Time was released in January 1999, reaching number one on the Billboard 200. The album subsequently acheived worldwide sales of over 25 million copies. In December 1999, she won four BillboardMusic Awards and in early 2000, she took home the Favorite Pop/Rock New Artist award at the American Music Awards. She went on to receive two nominations at the Grammys, that same year, though she lost out to Christina Aguilera and Sarah McLachlan.
Her second album, Oops I Did It Again debuted at number one in the U.S. by selling 1,319,193 units during its first week of sales. Concerning both musical content and sales, the album was very similar to Spears's debut, although critics were more favourable to this second album.
In 2000, Britney gained two more Billboard Music awards and another two Grammy nominations. She also garnered controversy at the MTV Music awards when she ripped off a black suit to reveal a provocative nude-colored and crystal-adorned outfit.
Spears third studio album, Britney was released in November 2001. Although not as successful as her previous albums, she gained some creative control by co-writing five of the album's tracks. It still managed to surpass Michael Jackson’s album Invincible when it had a successful debut at number one in the U.S. by selling 745,744 units during its first week. The singles did not fare so well. The lead single ‘Im A Slave 4 U’ peaked at 27 on the Billlboard Hot 100, making it the album's biggest hit. At the end of the album’s promotional tour for the album, Spears announced she would take a six-month break from her career.
During her third consecutive MTV Video Music Awards performance, she controversially utilized caged animals and danced erotically with a large albino python draped over her shoulders. At a performance at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards, she performed the song ‘Like A Virgin’ with Christina Aguilera and was later joined by Madonna, with whom Spears locked lips, in a highly publicised kiss.
Spears’ fourth studio album, In The Zone, was released in November 2003. The album used lesser-known producers such as RedZone, as well as big names such as Moby and R.Kelly. The album reached number one in the U.S. charts during its debut week, with over 609,000 copies sold. Spears became the only female in music history to have her first four studio albums debut at number one.
The album spawned the hit single ‘Toxic’, winning Spears her first ever Grammy, despite previous nominations.
After her marriage to one of her dancers, Kevin Federline, Spears announced on her website she was taking another career break in order to start a family. However, November 2004 saw the release of her first greatest hits collection, Greatest Hits: My Prerogative, which debuted at #4 on the U.S. charts. Then, In November 2005, she released her first remix album, B In the Mix: The Remixes. With Spears still on maternity leave, the album did not reach the success of her previous albums.
In May 2007, Spears made her musical comeback, but overall, this proved to be a disappointment to many. A mini-tour for the House Of Blues failed to see her singing live for the 15 minutes that she performed. Her most recent was recorded with producers such as Sean Garrett and Nate “Danja” Hills in 2006 and 2007.
The result of these recordings was Blackout, her fifth album. Scheduled for release in November 2007, it was pushed up to October 30th due to internet leaks. It debuted at number two on the U.S. Billboard charts, selling 290,000 copies.
Britney’s ill-fated performance at the 2007 MTV Music Awards received much media attention, being described as a disappointing attempt at a comeback. The BBC, for instance, stated that "her performance would go down in the history books as being one of the worst to grace the MTV Awards." Whilst critics at The Times noted that "Spears was out of synch as she lip-synched and at times just stopped singing altogether." Despite the backlash, however, the single has achieved success worldwide.
Aqui unos Videos,Videoclips, de Britney Spears.
Michael Jackson and Britney Spears HD
Britney Spears - Womanizer [HD 720p]
Britney Spears - Toxic (Best Performance!) HD
Britney Spears HD - Toxic Live
Britney Spears - Femme Fatale Tour DVD HD (Edicion Especial) Parte 1 (Closed Captions)
Sweet Dreams - Britney Spears Ft. Marilyn Manson [HD]
Britney Spears HD - Stronger Live
Britney Spears Everytime Uncut (720p HD)
Britney Spears - Not A Girl Not Yet A Woman [Crossroads Version]HD
Britney Spears - Sometimes
Britney Spears - I'm A Slave 4 U (Best Performance!) HD
Britney Spears - I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman
Britney Spears - Crazy
Britney Spears - [boom boom] live [Watch in HQ]
Britney Spears - Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know
Britney Spears - Baby One More Time (Official Music Video) HQ
Britney Spears - Overprotected
Britney Spears Toxic Femme Fatale DVD (EpixHD) HD
Britney Spears HD - (You Drive Me) Crazy - Crazy 2K Tour Live From Hawaii 2000
Britney Spears HD - Me Against The Music Live
Britney Spears - Boys (HD)
Britney Spears - Femme Fatale Tour DVD HD (Edicion Especial) Parte 2 (Closed Captions)
Britney Spears - Do Somethin (HD)
Britney Spears - Biggest Hits! Megamix (Extended Mix) PART 1
Britney Spears featuring Madonna - Me Against The Music
Britney Spears The Hook Up HD Onyx Hotel Tour, Live in Miami HD
Britney Spears - Toxic (HD) (Sub Español)
Britney Spears - Till The World Ends
Britney Spears - Biggest Hits Megamix Video (part 2) [10 years tribute]
Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time
Britney Spears - Gimme More
Britney Spears - Circus
Britney Spears - Oops...! I Did It Again (Official Music Video)
Britney Spears - Stronger
Britney Spears - Lucky
Britney Spears - Mega Mix 2010 HQ
Britney Spears Megamix 2011 [Underground Edition]
Britney Spears - Piece Of Me
Britney Spears - I Wanna Go
womanizer (español) britney spears
Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me
Britney Spears - Till The World Ends
Britney Spears - Criminal
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